The Artist and the Hunter
Robin, an artist, and John, a hunter, are married and talk about their chosen crafts - hunting and making - with humor, candor, and big love.
Podcasting since 2021 • 16 episodes
The Artist and the Hunter
Latest Episodes
Collaborate in Love
John and Robin sit down again after a long hiatus, but grateful and excited to be back at the mic. Their topic for today's episode: collaboration. What's it like to collaborate with others, in hunting and in art? The Artist and The Hunter dig i...
Season 4
Episode 1
#016 - Agreeable to my Sensibilities
John and Robin return for season 3 episode 1!Robin and Murphy joined John for a turkey hunt in April. Robin discusses her reactions to that pleasantly idyllic experience.They saw a bald eagle, and Robin crocheted a hat!A va...
Season 3
Episode 1
#015 - Art Institute of Chicago
- The Artist brings The Hunter to a museum: The Art Institute of Chicago! - This was John's first time to Chicago, and to AIC - Robin loves a museum. Can't get enough of them. - AIC is what's called ...
Season 2
Episode 4
#014 - Hunting Movie Review: Stars in the Sky
- Robin and John discuss "Stars in the Sky" by Steve Rinella, available on Netflix- Robin is an "A" student with excellent notes on discussion topics.- The movie addresses the rift between hunters and non-hunters.- R&J discuss h...
Season 2
Episode 3
#012 - Ecstasis, Catharsis, Communitas
A longer episode this week, with the excitement of a technical difficulty! After about 30 minutes of hearing about John's elk hunt, the feed was cut (maybe accidentally by Robin . . . ) so they re-recorded the last 20 minutes. All in a day's po...
Season 2
Episode 2