The Artist and the Hunter

#012 - Ecstasis, Catharsis, Communitas

Robin and John Cressman Season 2 Episode 2

A longer episode this week, with the excitement of a technical difficulty! After about 30 minutes of hearing about John's elk hunt, the feed was cut (maybe accidentally by Robin . . . ) so they re-recorded the last 20 minutes. All in a day's podcasting!

-John and Robin discuss the results of John’s recent elk hunt.

-Highlights included the vast open landscape, many encounters, and Robin’s chance to experience part of the hunt through FaceTime.

-John is unwilling to take focus away from the hunt to film the experience.

-Robin compares the calling and decoying of a hunt to a performative art.

-Robin and John talk a bit about the movie “The Deer Hunter” including details that may or may not be correct.

-John describes some of the up close encounters with elk on this Nevada hunt.

-Robin and John talk about mental and emotional exhaustion leading to a drop in motivation. 

-Technical difficulties lead to an abrupt cut and transition to a discussion on Robin’s art practice.

-Robin digs into the difficulties of finishing her projects.

-John and Robin discuss the relation between the cycle of creating, editing, and publishing to the cycle of peak states.

-Robin describes her state during creation as being drunk . . . or is it more like tripping?

-Robin is ready to add catharsis and communitas to go along with the ecstasis she is so familiar with.

-Robin has the great opportunity to be challenged and motivated to keep up with other writers and creators she has connected with.