The Artist and the Hunter
Robin, an artist, and John, a hunter, are married and talk about their chosen crafts - hunting and making - with humor, candor, and big love.
The Artist and the Hunter
Collaborate in Love
Robin and John Cressman
Season 4
Episode 1
John and Robin sit down again after a long hiatus, but grateful and excited to be back at the mic. Their topic for today's episode: collaboration. What's it like to collaborate with others, in hunting and in art? The Artist and The Hunter dig into their personal experiences and preferences, and discover by the end of the podcast that they may be actually be talking about teaching . . . or collaborating in LOVE.
Show note:
"A new report released on Oct. 12 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shows that 14.4 million hunters aged 16 and over contributed $45.2 billion to the economy in 2022. The survey found that 6% of the U.S. population hunted, and they spent a combined 241 million days afield last year."